An Exhibition from Jose Lucero and Maryssa Rose Chavez
CAV Gallery Proudly Presents:
An Exhibition from Jose Lucero & Maryssa Rose Chavez
On View: Jan 6 - Feb 18
Opening Reception: Jan 6, 6-9pm
Cura brings together El Paso artist, Jose Lucero, and Española artist, Maryssa Rose Chavez, to unite themes of past, present and future, and bridge physical and emotional distance. Through image making, sculpture and a variety of other mediums, the pair of artists play with the tension between what is observable and what must be felt.
At the threshold of perception lies a truth that can only be comprehended through experience. The exhibition addresses a truth known by our ancient ancestors, and distant descendants. A truth that lives within us. We see through the same eyes that they had and will have. Our truth exists on the periphery of others' understanding. Our truth is spiritual, metaphysical and emotional. The work holds space for those with a like mind, and invites others to the challenge of comprehension.
What does it mean to understand? What does it mean to be welcomed? What does it mean to withhold? What does it mean to do this for ourselves? To show a piece of ourselves? To present the same truth that we previously only found in each other's eyes?